Thanks to Cate, Yefer and Yordi's new favorite pass time is playing with bubbles. For me, It's fun to hear them laugh and scream while chasing the bubbles. If that's not enough, I also enjoy trying to find the perfect combination of liquid soap and water for the most and largest bubbles. Visual aids? Here you go:
Dina enjoys the bubbles as Yefer tries his hand. |
The bubble brothers. |
Yordi chases a bubble. |
During Cate's visit we moved to the sink and went for size. Note the rope on a stick, surprisingly successful for a few super-sized bubbles. |
Even Yordi got the hang of it. |
Yordi and Yefer with new dos. |
The Pachacamac Boys with the the newest look. |
Yordan and I |
Cate and the bubble makers (L to R: Jeni, Yordan, Cate, and Yeferson). |
The whole crew. (clockwise starting at the Gringo: Brice, Jeni, Yeferson, Yordan, and Cate). |
After bubble time, Yordan decided to take his horse out for a ride. Luckily I caught as he galloped past my door. |