Cate is addicted to my host brothers, and she lovingly refers to them as her "toys". The three of them love to play, read, and take pictures. The Pachacamacs love her, and she's now become part of their family. So much so, that she's willing to make the long trip from Lima to Yuracoto to spend the weekend with them. Yordi and Yefer are always asking about Cate when she's not here, and get so excited when they find out she's coming to visit (imagine seeing the excitement of a kid on Christmas Eve prior to Santa's visit, but every two or three weeks). Whenever Yefer beats me in soccer (Peru vs. USA) he wants to call and brag to Cate, and Yordi always asks me where's Arron* and where's Cate, multiple times a day. Here are a few pictures from her last visit:
Cate and a new cuy. |
Cate and the boys with a couple baby cuy. |
The cuy smuggler. |
And you thought the baby cuy were cute. |
This is the main reason Cate comes to visit... to keep this face clean. |
Family photo. |
Yefer has come to tolerate the daily bbaths when Cate's around; however, Yordi not so much. |
Counseling the cold, wet Yordi. |
Yordan cuts his arm and gets arm's worth of Sponge Bob Square Pants Band-aids (Shout out to care package senders). Meanwhile, Yeferson does what I thought him to do... photobomb! |
Yordan telling me he's cold after Cate made him take a bath. |
Clean but not happy. |
Warming up in the sun after the bath. |
Dia de San Pedro y San Pablo is at the end of June**. In Yuracoto, it's tradition to make tamales and burn the hillsides. Here's Cate helping mill the cornmeal to make the tamales. |
Milling the corn is a long and tiring process. I was glad she came to help. |
It took us about two hour to mill all the corn (seen in the yellow bowl). |
*Adam, my big brother's name, is a little tough for Yordan to say.
** Here's what I did two years ago for Dia de San Pedro y San Pablo when I was in training in Lima:
June 2011 (see Part Two of Post)