Saturday, November 19, 2011

CAT/griz Satellite Party - Peru

For the 111th "Brawl of the Wild" (Montana State University vs University of Montana), I find myself further away from the action then I've ever been before. But have no fear, I've started my own Cat-Griz Satellite Party here in Ancash, Peru. Thanks to the live stream (which is pretty choppy), the Bozeman Chronicle's Live Blog, and the California Cafe (the internet cafe here in the capital city), I can still feel the excitement. Unfortunately, as I write this, the Cats are down 22-7 in the middle of the 3rd. Gotta love them Cats.

If any of you are in the neighborhood and want to watch the hometown boys duke it out, stop in and pull up a couch. I'm the sure the kids playing Wii next to me won't mind.