I've quietly let the one year in-country mark pass, as I've been having a hectic mes (month). After my trip to Easter Island, I returned back to Ancash for a short week, and then went back to Lima to assist in training the Peru 19ers (I belong to the Peru 17 group). It was fun and challenging, but overall very rewarding to see the new volunteers and help them transition to life here in Peru, develop realistic expectations for their next two years, and present a little charla (presentation) on classroom management and the realities of developmental milestones with regards to kids in the campo (rural areas).
While my friends like to joke that I got called back to repeat training again, I'm quick to point out that I was referred to as "volunteer of the week" among the aspirantes (trainees/aspiring volunteers. Living life in denial is very comfortable.
The 19ers (about 50 in total. Mixing both Small Business Volunteers and Youth Development Volunteers) are a fun, good looking group. And similar to ours, they have their characters, inside jokes, and tons of uncertainties. And as with all PC volunteers, they seem to be able to make that instant connection with each other. Peace Corps, similar to Alaska, seems to attract a certain type of person, so I have no doubt that the 19ers will fit in just fine.
Here are a few pics from my time in Lima (I got to be with my old host family again for 3 nights!! Great people!!! But unfortunately I didn't snap any pictures with them).
Jeff and I enjoying cereal and a sunset the night before I left for Lima. |
Good cereal always attracts more friends. |
Cathy teaching the 19ers about recognizing the differences in cultural differences and personality differences. |
Peru 19ers, and myself. I'm the guy in green in the back center. I've got my arm around my "PC brother" Robert. He's currently staying with my old host-family. |
One last picture of the sunset in Huaraz. |