Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Hoosier to Peru Book Pipeline

Sarita, a beloved Peru 16er, who never sends me any update emails (hard hint there), successfully got a boat load of Spanish language children's books from the Hoosier state to the Big Sky state, and then down to Peru (shout out to my family for hauling these) showed that she may have the skill set to be in some sort of export business (I owe you a letter of rec.).

Now that they're in Ancash, the more than 180 books will be used in 3 different volunteer sites to help promote literacy in young, rural Peruvian. Super cool. Thanks again Sarita and your friends.

Here are two of the beneficiaries this great gift:

And here's Cate holding Dina and the boys captivated with a story read out loud. It's very possible this was the first time anyone has read a story a Dina like this (I didn't want to ask):