Adam, remember the days that we each got our own room, and didn't sleep on the bunk beds anymore? Hey Tanner and Mariah, remember the joys of falling asleep under the 'Kirby Puckett' and 'Kittens Playing with Yarn' posters that we meticulously placed in our own room? Ah, the rite-of-passage that is "getting you own room". Finally a little freedom.
Yeferson is at that stage in his life, so with the blessing from Roger and Dina (I think they're sick of both boys sleeping with them every night) Cate and I slaved all Sunday adorning it with a new "education-based paint job". To be honest, I have to admit that I'm extremely proud with how it turned out. Although we only painted the numbers 1-20, the Spanish alphabet, and a large chalk board . It was simple to do with impressive end results. Roger, Dina, and Yefer are excited about learning.
Yefer now has a specific area to do his homework AWAY from from the T.V. And now Roger and Dina have a new favorite show piece to display when someone comes to visit. Dina has said all week that they'll never erase it, as it will be good to have around when Yordan starts to go to school. However, what I liked hearing even more, was Dina asking me to teach her what the letters and numbers are, with the hope that someday she'll learn to read and write. Ojala (God willing).
Enjoy the visuals:
Yefer and Yordi in the Pre-Flip My Room Pic. |
Lucky number 17. |
Happy to help. |
Brice next to the new large chalkboard. |
I think you can see the excitement. |
Yordi does some drawings. |
Roger taking it all in while Cate works and Yori and Yefer fight over the chalk. |
Cate free-handing the letters. |
Me, not doing much. |
Happy family. |
The Pachacamacs in Yefer's new room. |
And here's a video of Cate teaching Dina how to correctly spell her name. It's Spanish, but still pretty interesting to see.